catching up…. hello spring!

It’s as if someone has left the oven door open and all that heat is circulating all through our homestead and comatoseing (is that a word? spellcheck doesn’t seem to agree) all the humans and fur children.
Happy Spring dear family and friends.

Well I am up and about! The past week has sped by so very quickly while I have been trying to get a handle on life again. Back to work, back to the fast paced demands that keep me busy outside of our home. I can’t say that I have got my finger on the pulse just yet. And of course there have been days this week where I have felt that I will never catch up. Ditching the 9 to 5 job world has never been more appealing as it has this last week.

Yesterday our country celebrated Heritage Day and as true hearted South Africans we of course participated in Braai Day. It was also the first day since the op that I got to meander around the garden and catch up with my poor neglected chooks, check on growings in our veggie garden and relax with little Lilly (our tortoise) in the shade of the Pine trees. The boys got their first swim in for the season too. And, my first batch of Goat’s Milk, Honey and Chamomile soap got wrapped and packed for my lovely friends who placed orders.

It’s the new season.. Its the time of balance and awakenings.. I for one will be taking full advantage of it all.

Angie xxx

9 thoughts on “catching up…. hello spring!

  1. i would happily say hello to spring, oh, it seems like it was years ago when we could stay in the sun, and it was just a weeks ago 😦 enjoy the sun and those delicious vegetables!


  2. Glad to hear you're up and about. I wish you had more time to heal before getting back to the daily grind, but I hope that you manage to find moments to relax in that gorgeous spring world of yours. Love your photos, love your soap, love YOU ❤


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